
How do geographic locations and features relate to climate and weather patterns?

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Its for a scicence project. And I have NO CLUE what I'm doing.... So,Help?




  1. You might use the Florida peninsula as an example. If you look at a relief map of the world, Florida appears to be sitting in a belt that goes around the world that is very dry, or even a desert. But Florida gets lots of rain. You're project is to find out why is Florida so wet, when it seems that everywhere else at that latitude, it's dry.

  2. Well when land is closer to the equador it is going to be hotter there because more of the suns rays hit there, which is why mexico is hot and canada is cold. Another contributor is how close the specific land mass is to the ocean. In canada, B.C (on the west coast) has very mild summers (15-20 degrees celcius tops) and very mild winters (0-5 degrees celcius) where as in Manitoba the winters are brutal cold, and the summers are isanly hot. winters(-25 -35) summers(-30- -35). This is because manitoba is very far from any oceans, and B.c is right on the ocean. The salt water takes heat from the summer months and releases it in the winter months.  overall: close to equador=hotter, and close to ocean=mor moderate temperatures. I  hope that helps withs somthing.

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