
How do get a full ride to a university?

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Do you HAVE to have a 4.0 and perfect SAT score? What do they look at?

I have 3.60 GPA, so I was wondering.




  1. Bring your GPA up at least to 3.80.  Apply for full scholarships.  Do extremely well on your SAT and pray.  I think that is the only way.

  2. with a 3.6 you could probably get a scholarship but it depends on your SAT scores

  3. Some private, really good schools will give you need-based aid all the way. I think Stanford gives you a free ride if you make under a certain amount of money a year. Getting in is another matter....

  4. Different colleges have different standards but usually to get a full ride you have to be in the top percentage of the applicant pool.  They look mainly at SAT scores and 2000+ is really good.  State universities are the easiest to get full rides but to get a full ride to a private university, you have to have REALLY good numbers

  5. Never hold yourself back from applying to something just because your grades aren't perfect.  I know people that got full ride scholarships with 3.7 GPAs and OK test scores.  Between scholarships and FAFSA, you should be able to get a sufficient amount of money for college, even if it isn't a full ride.

  6. Depending on which state you live in, there is a Teaching Fellows program that offers a full ride, and trip to Europe upon Senior year if accepted into the program.  It comes with conditions also.  If you are planning on becoming a teacher, this is an excellent opportunity for you.  If does not require a perfect GPA or SAT score, just a notable one like you have stated above.

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