
How do get a good attitude about working out ?

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how do get a good attitude about working out ? i want to do it but i feell crapy! should i start neating fruits and vegetables until i start feeling good and energetic?




  1. Filling up wouldn't help right before your work out, but warm up lightly a little and you'll get into it.  I usually don't exercise for about an hour after I've eaten, but eating energetic foods will help after you've digested it in your stomach.  Once you find something that gives you results, you'll be really into it.

  2. What motivates you to do other things? Apply that to working out.

    Personally, I like to pretend I am competing against other people at the gym, and it motivates me to keep going while I am there. Are you having trouble getting to the gym? Find a friend who will go with you. Or set a time specifically when you go. That way you'll be more likely to go.  

  3. When I work out I feel so much power.... I feed on power and thats what keeps me going and I love every second of it.

  4. Try a little at a time. When you start to see or feel results you will want to work out more. I hate working out but I make myself so I can feel good and look good. Anything is better than nothing. Before long you might want to workout everyday.  

  5. gradually work up to it. I feel like that all the time.

    I made a list of all the reasons I want to be healthy. Some reasons are even really bad reasons for it, like showing some people up...but whatever.. it works.

    And gradually keep adding fruits to your diet. Don't eat alot of starchy things like bread and potatoes. Stay away from grapes and eat alot of strawberries and cherries if you can. Strawberries and cherries are no-cal fruits.

    But you don't ahve to discard all chocolates and yummy things... just look for the low-cal stuff. Or combine them.. like chocolate strawberries.

    Another trick is looking at your plate of food. The more colorful your plate is the better off you are at getting the nutrition you need. Hope this helps =]

  6. Maybe you should think about what your results will be.. it gives you some motivation


  7. just be like

    if i don't work out I'm gonna die the world gonna blow up an that will get you motivated

  8. Just keep thinking about how good you'll look once your work outs start having an effect. And yes, eating fruits and vegetables is a good idea. Its good to replace fattening snacks with fruits and vegies.  

  9. Think of all the benefits to a better tuned body.

    I just got WII FIT and love it. I can finally attempt some exercise without an audience of anorexic women judging me.

  10. If you want a good attitude you gotta think about why your doing this , who are you doing this for and most of all that its not all about working out and dieting its about living a healthier life :)

  11. I think you should ask yourself this question: Why do you want to start working out? State your reasons, and that should be your goals. Next, list things that would happen if you DO NOT work out. Put them all together, and ask yourself which one you want to achieve. Motivate yourself with your goals and work towards achieving it. Good Luck =)

  12. I know this sounds funny but once I started to work out daily, I got more and more energy.  Then once I started seeing results, working out become fun and challenging.  All you have to do is get over that hump....

  13. You really have to look at your body as a machine that needs the proper tools to function correctly.  Like a plant that will die without water.  Your body needs excersize to funtion properly... or will eventually become sick.  As far as loosing weight, health and nutrition...  there are many things you can do, but unless you make it as natural as possible, you will defeat the purpose.  I know what you mean when you talk about "getting a good attitude."  I didn't become serious about my health until I got sick.  If you really want optimal health...  try this....  it saved my life.  Try it and keep in touch with me, I'd be excited to hear your results!

  14. just think----thin, healthy!!!!!!!!! its all 4 a good cause and its all better in the end anyways. also, ask God 4 a good attitude. actually, He wont just give you the 'good attitude', He will give you the oppurtunity to have a good attitude. start now and nothing can keep you from shining through!!!!!! =]

    *SHINE ON*

  15. Well, you can start by thinking of all the benefits it will give you.  Imagine how you're going to look and feel and perform once you've been doing it for a while.  Keep thinking about the end results.

    And then...

    Just start doing it.  MAKE yourself.  It may be hard at first, but it really won't take long for it to become a habit.  Exercise releases endorphins, which make you feel good; it's like a natural high.  Your body becomes "addicted" to it, and starts craving the exercise.  Also, once you start seeing some results, you'll feel really proud of yourself and what you're accomplishing.  And that will make you want to keep doing it even more.  

    So yeah... once you start, it's easy to keep going.  It's the starting part that's not so easy.  People always look for some magical formula that will motivate them to start.  But there's really no such thing.  You just have to force yourself to get up and get going.  As the Nike folks say... JUST DO IT!!  Once you start, it'll be easy to keep going.  

  16. its all in the mindset - i used to hate going to the gym, but now, i kinda even look forward to it. just, before your workout -think positive thoughts, and if u are standing in front of a full-length mirror, picture yourself looking as buff or thin or toned as you want to be, and tell yourself that your goal is only a workout or two away. and try to get excited about it - soon the "fake" excitement will get real, and you will have fun

    bring some friends along, so u enjoy a conversation, or listen to some music that gets you pumped up

    have fun


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