
How do get my conure to stop pooing on me?

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How do get my conure to stop pooing on me?




  1. I have a conure, and they do love to p**p.  When I take out my bird, I bring him over to the sink, and hold him there until he goes.  Most birds will go right after you take them out of the cage, so it just takes a moment, and the bird quickly learns that it is good to do this.

    This way, you are safe for a while!

    While I do take the bird over to p**p over the sink on occasion when he is out, I am not strict with him about this.  It is pretty easy to train a bird to p**p on command, but that is not a good thing, as the bird will hold it until you tell him to go.  This can be very unhealthy for the bird.  So, I would say, just have him go once when you take him out, and then you and the bird will both be happier.  

    I hope this helps.

  2. I have a sun conure and he poops all of the time, but then again, all birds p**p. I'm always wiping p**p off of my "bird" shirts. If you love your conure, then you'll over look that, as you wipe the p**p off of your shirt. You can always put a towel over your shoulders.

  3. I have a Blue Mountain Lorikeet, I don't know if you are familiar with them, but they have runny p**p that is very messy. Their p**p doesn't clean up as easy as a Conure or other such birds. I would have her out so long, then I would put her in her cage and tell her to go p**p. After a little while she caught on. It is a little trouble to have to get up and take her every so often, but well worth it. Keep in mind, they are like kids and will have accidents every once in a while.

  4. I used to put towels on my shoulders when I had my cockatiels. You can't stop the p**p, but you can stop it from getting on your clothes.

  5. If you are responsible, you can train your bird to "go" on command, but make sure that you remember to say it.  Or you can just let it have a potty break before you start.  You can also wear a towel over your clothes.

    If you want to train your bird, make a phrase and say it whenever he/she goes when you hold her over the trash can.  The bird will eventually learn it.

    The simplest thing to do is let them "go" at the beginning.

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