
How do get my muslim friend to open up about her religion?

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I have known her for a few years,but I still don't know a whole lot about her religion. Some of her other so called "friends" tease and try to convert her to christianity.She probably thinks I'll do the same. I am christian, but don't believe in shoving my religion in her face.




  1. Well I am Muslim and when people ask me about my religion I get happy cause i can teach someone about my religion.  So all you have to say well i have been your friend and i dont know much about your religion adn i was wondering if you can teach me a little about it and just say i dont want you to think i am trying to shove my religion in your face. And as she is talking dont say oh well thats not what we believe let her finish then continue on its that simple.  I mean you believe whats right and she believe whats right  

  2. There is no compulsion in religion.  Unlike Christians, Muslims are discouraged in the Qur'an to go try and compel people to their religion.  Christianity was spread by the sword (which the word appears in the Bible over 50 times) and the word "sword" is not even in the Qur'an.  Maybe she doesn't want to be ridiculed if she talks about it?  Maybe she just don't know much about her own religion.  Ask yourself this:  Do you want to know to compel her to your faith?  Or is it genuine interest?  If it's genuine interest, I urge you to read our article refuting the notion that Jesus Christ is the redeemer of sin.  You can do so at our site below:

  3. Maybe get an introductory book about Islam, like something by John Esposito, and read it, and make sure she sees you with it.  That might jump-start a discussion...

  4. Why do you want her to open up?  Do you want her to convert you to a false doctrine?  Perhaps she is considering becoming a Christian and is afraid to say so for being persecuted by her family.  They put a death threat on Muslims who convert.

  5. If you claim to not wanting to shove your religion in her face, let her keep her religion to herself.

  6. I would think you were wanting to convert me if I were her. Christians are well know for doing that, whether you would or not. "Know thy enemy" is a common tactic, and starting an innocent conversation about other beliefs very often turns into proselytizing on the part of the Christian.

  7. I was lucky enough to befriend a Pakistani immigrant, and after a while, she did teach me a lot about her religion. When I met her, I still thought all Muslims HAD to wear a hijab. I was confused when she said she was Muslim, because she does not wear the hijab. She wears Western clothes and shops at the same clothing stores I do (No short skirts or tanks though!)

    Start by asking some simple, "What is a mosque like?" And be sure to answer any questions she has about Christianity, too. If she gets suspicious or defensive, just assure her that you're just curious, nothing more.

    In my experience, a lot of Muslims are very willing to talk about the Quran and their beliefs - especially after 9/11. Muslims face a looot of strange rumors about their religion. People say the Quran tells Muslims to blow themselves ujp. They say the Quran tells women to wear burkas. Very untrue! My Muslim friend Rose and her family were happy to dispel the rumors. I even believed some of them before they explained the truth. I didn't even know they thought Jesus was a prophet!

    But keep in mind that some people are naturally private with their beliefs. I have many Christian and other theist friends who don't really talk about their beliefs with me. We're close friends - but their religion is just something personal for them.

  8. ask if you can go to a service at her mosque with her and normally that helps people open up about their religion if you want to go to their place of worship because they know you want to learn not condemn them to h**l  

  9. try asking small questions. do a little research and say "oh, ive heard this. is this true? how do you celebrate/follow this? im just really interested" but if she's really not comfortable, don't press any harder. its not worth losing a friend. if she really wont open up you can always use wikipedia or other sources to do some of your own exploring.

    also try sticking up for her when people tease her, it will really mean something to her and she will probably feel really comfortable with you

    good luck!!

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