
How do get rid of these ground bees?

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I have a small shed, which these ground bees/yellow jackets or whatever you want to call them have made a nest under. They have been there for awhile, but finally attacked my dog, because he started sniffing around the entrance. In turn, since my dog is small, I ran over, grabbed him, and then they started stinging me. it's war. I cannot clearly see the actual entrance to the hole, but know where they enter under the edge of the shed. How can I get rid them? I have heard a rag soaked with gasoline works, as does moth balls, however, once again, I cannot actually cover the hole without digging underneath the shed. Any advice would me much appreciated!!




  1. Try fogging the area with an insect killing spray.  This may take a few applications over several days, but eventually you'll kill the bees, and they will have taken enough of the spray inside to pollute the hive.

  2. They aren't bees, they're almost certainly yellow jackets.  

    If you cannot access the entrance to the hive, you will not be able to easily exterminate the nest without some (possibly a large number) wasps making a rapid sortis.   And without proper protection (i.e. a beekeeper's outfit), they'll sting the h**l out of you.  

    An exterminator who's experienced in this type of job will don the protective equipment, find the exact entrance to the hive and then pump a bunch of insecticide spray or foam into the hive.    If you insist on doing it yourself, that's what I would recommend you do.  

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