
How do get rid permanently of Bindweed ?

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Can anyone help me please

This is the 4th year in a row I am digging it out and I dig as deep as I can until there is no more traces

I dispose of all traces of the root but it still comes back even more vigorously





  1. Get some liquid lawn weedkiller that includes one of the hormones mecoprop or fenoprop.  Paint it neat onto the leaves of the bindweed (taking care not to get it on wanted plants).  It kills it back to the roots.

  2. Roundup (or is it Tumbleweed ?) do a gel for this very job - wipe it on several leaves per plant. It could take a couple of weeks to work at this time of year.

  3. You don't you learn to love it , you could move into a flat.

  4. Bindweed root snaps so easily that there will always be some left behind when you try to dig it out.

    It is difficult to use a systemic weedkiller without killing your other plants but there is a way.

    Collect some 2 litre clear plastic drinks bottles and cut the bottoms off. Seek out the growing points of the bindweed, cut the stem three or four inches from the ground then place a bottle over the weed and work it into the ground so it does not fall over. Do this to all the weed you can find.

    Wait until the weed had filled the bottle with new growth. Unscrew the lid from the bottle and using a funnel carefully pour in Round Up or it's equivalent until the bindweed leaves are soaked. Replace the lid and wait for the weed to die.

    You will have to keep repeating this as the roots go for miles and you will not be able to kill it all with one application but persistence will pay off in the end.

  5. Bind weed is sometimes called 'forever weed'. You are 'forever' trying to get rid it! It's likely that your bind weed was afflicting your site before it was ever developed.

    Even a piece of root as long as this underscore _ is enough to regenerate a plant. And the roots can go down as deep as two meters. So pulling out the roots can have little effect.

    Just tear it out when it appears. It's a long drawn out war of attrition.

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