
How do get someone u really care about to tell u wht's wrong?

by  |  earlier

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my girlfriend says she's happy but i don't really know if she is her freinds want tell me if anything is wrong and i'm woorried because i don't know wht's goin on wth her




  1. if she says she's happy and she has not given you any indication that she is not, then what is the problem?

  2. and u just know something is wrong because she's acting funny? well, the best way is to let her tell u if something is bothering her. i mean, u do trust that she will tell u if theres a problem ryt? besides, i mean, if u ask her a lot and theres nothing wrong, she might get annoyed or what, so yeah, just let her tell you, dont try to find, be concerned, but if she says no, just try to put it in the back of ur mind.  

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