Well, I was watching Ghosthunters, and one of the "ghosthunters" said that ghosts manifest themselves by drawing energy out of the air.
I'm not sure how this is supposed to work? Looks to me like it would take energy to draw energy out of the air.
And is the theory that the energy that is "drawn out" of the air somehow converted to some kind of matter?
Do theories say that this "entity" is made up of atoms and molecules? If it is just energy, how does it think to do all of these things? I mean our brain is a very complex mechanism, that we think with. And a ghost does all of this work without anything?
Just having trouble putting this all together. Just doesn't seem to be very logical.
So to manifest a spirit, the "ghosthunters" try to make it mad, so I guess it has emotions, but just no brain. And then it gets perturbed, and "draws energy" from the air, and converts it into some kind of matter, etc that can be seen?
Are you kidding me?