
How do ghosts manifest themselves?

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Well, I was watching Ghosthunters, and one of the "ghosthunters" said that ghosts manifest themselves by drawing energy out of the air.

I'm not sure how this is supposed to work? Looks to me like it would take energy to draw energy out of the air.

And is the theory that the energy that is "drawn out" of the air somehow converted to some kind of matter?

Do theories say that this "entity" is made up of atoms and molecules? If it is just energy, how does it think to do all of these things? I mean our brain is a very complex mechanism, that we think with. And a ghost does all of this work without anything?

Just having trouble putting this all together. Just doesn't seem to be very logical.

So to manifest a spirit, the "ghosthunters" try to make it mad, so I guess it has emotions, but just no brain. And then it gets perturbed, and "draws energy" from the air, and converts it into some kind of matter, etc that can be seen?

Are you kidding me?




  1. Ghosthunters and the professional plumbers that run the organization are not exactly versed in the finer points of physics (either am I although I do read some literature written for the general public).

    First, I agree that any action takes energy. However, energy is an almost meaningless term. Do you mean heat, motion, radio waves, what kind of energy? It does seem possible even in classical physics that one form of energy could be converted to another form of energy. So, just speculating one could say ghost energy to light energy (and thus they become visible). Well, light is both a wave and a particle so one could say it was being converted to matter (particles of light).

    Obviously if ghost were composed of atoms and molecules (in the normal sense and expression of those) they would always be visible.

    Do all of what things?

    If you believe in the surviving conscious theory (which is the theory you are questioning) then one would say no not without anything but with surviving mind and/or consciousness that is separate from the physical brain that consciousness expresses itself through when people are in bodily form.

    Actually it is extremely well reasoned out when you get past materialism (the belief that everything is matter and all actions can reduced and predicted via that matter). Superstring theory, quantum mechanics and other theories of science have challenged this assumption (with supporting experimental evidence) for over 50 years now.

    I'm not sure that getting a spirit mad would make it manifest although I would like to see research on how effective this for people having an experience of seeing a ghost. Yes, a mind (or consciousness) from an intact surviving personality would have emotions (just like the living) and would not have a biological brain for the expression of that emotion.

    No, I'm not kidding science is amazing.

  2. remember that ghosts/entities are in another dimension outside of ours. Mind can touch all dimensions and they are still here in mind, but they cant do anything unless they gather the energy from here and use it.  Realise that mind can do anything and once you cross over you find thats all you have to work with. Emotions are retained, in fact emotions are more important than intelligence in the fourth dimension. They are what makes things happen. Here too, but prople dont realise it.


  3. They don't. There are no ghosts. Those guys are frauds.

  4. Good points.  Most people don't take it as far as you did, but any time you examine ghosts up close the possibility of their existence just evaporates.  Believing in them requires either the believer to misunderstand how the universe works or else a healthy dose of cognitive dissonance.

  5. I believe that when a spirit manifests itself it is trying to communicate with a living person , either to relay a message or to fulfill a promise. These types of occurrences are usually not malevolent.

  6. I suggest you read PSIence: How new discoveries in quantum physics and new science may explain the existence of paranormal phenomena by Marie D. Jones.

  7. You don't have to make the spirit mad to manifest itself.  You'll rarely see Jason or Grant trying to make a spirit mad. They may try to provoke nasty ones a bit but never much.

    In our ghost hunting group we do NOT allow provoking.  Often you'll get more reaction with kindness and just letting them know that you are here to listen to them.  Remember, dead people were once people too.

    Ghosts tend to draw energy from things around them.  For example I may be using my recently charged camera and it shows 150 min worth of charge time.  I take two photos and suddenly my brand new battery is dying.  This could often be explained by a ghost using the energy from that battery, my cell phone, my emf detector, my tape recorder or video recorder to try to communicate.

  8. So-called 'experts' abound in paranormal investigation. The explanation on ghosts pulling energy out of the air is a bunch of hand waving.

    Before anyone starts spouting off conjecture on how ghosts do this or do that as if it were fact, I think the bigger picture is that there needs to be a reasonable amount of physical evidence that ghosts *do* exist and they *do* interact with the local environment. Foggy, grainy photos and blurry video don't count.

    But how long would the show last or have their costs covered if they never saw a ghost? I head up a paranormal investigation team and we've been doing investigations since 2004. While I have seen and recorded some unusual stuff, I wouldn't automatically mark them up to ghosts.

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