
How do green enthusiasts feel about wind turbines making bat lungs explode?

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It's okay to kill bats but not okay to drill for oil in ANWR because of the polar bears. Amazing.




  1. Doesn't bother me,I am sorry for them they will reeducate themselves long extinction.Now the bee and bird die-off that bothers me.

  2. Yup and its not just bats, its birds as well that are getting creamed by the wind turbines.

    What we really need is Nuclear, my friend.  Endless energy, safe and clean.  And no bats or birds are killed.  And the waters are warmed by the outlets when built by an ocean and they provide safe havens for marine mammals during winter months.

    Go Nuke or don't cry when we run out of energy to heat and light our homes!

  3. actually the bats fly into the turbine thinking it's food.... at least this is from a friend that used to work for the Oklahoma Wind Power Initiative.

    But yeah I see your point...

  4. Who are you ...Batman?

  5. lets see Clean energy vs the loss of some Bats.

    sorry but I guess some bat are going to need to die.  

  6. Well, since it's rare and my lungs are exploding from the pollution in L.A, I'm not worried about a few bats.  Those are problems that can be easily solved.  BTW, pollution and pesticides made of petroleum are killing off bees.  The bees are really important to our food chain.  We don't have bees, we don't have pollination, therefore we won't have food.

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