
How do guys judge a girl?

by  |  earlier

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how do they rate her

ik we judge guys on eyes, humor, hair blah blah blah but what do guys look for?




  1. guys rate other guys.

  2. guys only care about how a girl looks

  3. Guys judge girls by

    1. their looks.(Sometimes)

    2. Their way of interaction.

    3. Their personality.

    4. Most inportantly, guys cherish gurls that are proud of them

    Beware: Loud stupid laughter turns off guz.

  4. I like her upbringing in the public. Like the confidence she portrays, and how she actually took notice on how people look at her.

  5. Ok. To be honest, i'll have to agree with Wendy. But

    however, if the look is good but the girls personality

    is a sh***t , i think most guy will walk away.

  6. well ya looks do count, but personality has a play in it too, no guy like a bossy, arogant nut case for a relationship, just be nice and be urself.

  7. Weeeeell.... I have no idea how guys rate girls, honestly. But I rate girls on who they are and honestly not entirely what they look like. I bet that straight guys judge girls like slobs.

  8. Straight guys pretty much look for the "Pam Anderson" w***e stereotype first... then want the "Julie Andrews" personality once they win her over.  

  9. I would say it depends a lot on whether 'you guys' are supposed to be g*y men or

  10. I look at the hair first, if its not straight or taken care of, I would avoid that girl.

    Then the face, I like a girl that's face can compliment a nice make out session.

    Then body, how big is her (puppies) and but, and how fit she is

    Lastly, her "style" ghetto, punk, pop, casual, guidette.

    Somewhere in there would be her personality

    Even better if she was a smart girl, but you normally cant get the best of both worlds :/

    *-Best Answer-*

  11. only on looks ... some juge on smartness, niceness thoes are the guys you want not the ones that only like u because u look good.

  12. i think the first answer here is definitely off, since this same question has been asked on yahoo in like a thousand different ways and every time, a lot of guys say personality is really important. I guarantee you there will be guys telling you personality (which is true, i know it is with me at least). When I started answering this question the first answer was the only one, but I won't be surprised if someone manages to jump in and say "personality" before I finish posting this. Guys aren't as shallow as they're made out to be in stereotypes you know.

    Edit: I've seen all the answers that came after the first one now and my god, nearly of them are girls going on about how shallow we are! Christ, give us a break! Yes, some guys are absolute a******s who only care about looks, I'm aware, I know some. They don't represent us all though! Come on, how can you all simply go right ahead and judge all guys in general over the fact that some guys live up to negative stereotypes?

  13. ha ha wendy get real, if a girl is a complete, b**** theirs no way a guy wants to be with her, its not all a bout looks, a good looker doesnt hurt, but its a lot more than that.  we look at the same kindsa things, and the first thing is generally that instant attraction.  then the more you get to know the girl the more you like / dislike her

    why are girls answering this? get real girls, just because you couldent find that good guy doesnt mean all guys are the same as some of those losers.

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