
How do gynecologists do a check-up for missed periods?!?

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Sorry if my question doesn't make sense. I want to get a check-up cuz I haven't had my period for over 3 months now..and I wanna check if everything's ok. How is the check up like? What do they do? My mom told me that the doctor will go inside of my v****a and get the discharge to run some tests to check if anything is wrong.

Is that TRUE??! I never had a check up like that before! I really don't want to show my private part and worse let the doctor touch it! EWW. Especially if it's a guy!

Please help me! Tell me specifically what the doctor will do if I go for a missed period check-up. Thank you!!

P.S. By the way..I'm only 17




  1. well it's true that is probably what  he will, do ask for a lady doctor if that makes you more comfortable.  

  2. The doctor will probably do a papsmear and some blood work. It may be uncomfortable but it really doesn't hurt.  You have no reason to be afraid to show your "parts" to a doctor.  They go to school and see lots of them every day.  I would rather know what was wrong than to be afraid to go and not ever know.  It may be something really simple to fix.  GO!

  3. If you have had s*x you might be pregnant. That is the first test they will do, regardless of what you say. Every woman should be getting a pap test annually. It is how cancer is detected. It takes about 5 minutes and you don't really feel anything. Find a female gynecologist and you will be fine.  

  4. no they ask you, you sound pregnant, Congratulations!

  5. If you've had s*x, then you might be pregnant.

    The doctor will ask you if you have had s*x, but they will most likely do a simple urine pregnant test anyway.

    If they find that it is negative, they might do a pap-smear on you.  If you have had s*x, it won't hurt.  But if you have never had s*x, then it does hurt a bit.  But not enough to make you cry or anything.  Just stings a little bit, nothing to worry about.  It's a bit awkward at first... but it is a good thing to have done.  After you have one done, you have to get one done once a year.

    But you could just be one of the unlucky ones (like me) that has irregular periods.  I got on birth control pills to make my periods regular.  Ever since I've been on birth control, I haven't missed one period.  You should really consider them.

    Hope I helped.  And good luck.

  6. You go in and lay down and put your feet up in stirrups. Then the doctor will either insert a small tool (it doesn't hurt and it's really fast) to hold you open a bit so they can use a long q-tip to swab your cervix. You can/will have a nurse present and you can have your mom come in as well. He will likely do a blood test before anything like that to make sure you aren't pregnant, and question you about your diet as malnutrition can cause missed periods.  

  7. It's called a well-women's exam, or a pap. Every woman should begin seeing their gynecologist for one annually, around the age of seventeen, or after they begin having s*x. There's nothing sexual about it, you'll be asked a series of questions pertaining to your menstrual cycle. Your doctor will perform a quick vaginal exam that really takes no more than sixty seconds. It doesn't hurt, but you may experience some discomfort.

    After that, the doctor will likely perform a quick breast exam, and you'll be in and out before you know it. :)

    If you're usually pretty regular in your periods, and you suddenly stopped having a period, it's a very good idea to go to the gynecologist to get checked out. While some find the exam a little uncomfortable, it is well worth knowing you are in good health.

    When you make the appointment, you can specifically ask for a female doctor. A good practice will have no problem catering to your preferences.  

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