
How do high school reunions work?

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Who is in charge of the reunions and how do they track down everyone to invite after so many years have gone by? Also do they invite everyone, how do they make sure they don’t forget anyone? And when do they usually take place, any specific season or anything?




  1. the way my high school did it:

    When you where back in Highschool, your senior year you did fund raising and what not.  Well, when you left, the money you didn't use got put into a savings account to collect interest to be used for your reunion.

    USUALLY, those that held the 'office' positions your senior year are entrusted with organizing the event.  So, whoever was your President, VP, Secretary, etc would be in charge of it.  

    I have seen them take place in early Spring, to late Summer.

    Usually around the time you would graduate highschool, give or take a month.

    they should invite eveyone, they should use multiple ways to find people, FRIENDS, Parents, School records, Myspace, Facebook etc.

  2. High school reunions are usually class reunions. When you get ready to graduate, many times a person will be voted to maintain contact with others in the class (a class secretary). It's easier now with the internet to find everyone, but it's still quite a job. It depends on how many people maintain contact with their friends after school. People simply communicate with one another about whose addresses they still need (from the yearbook).

      Whether or not you have reunions is usually up to those who want them and their skill in organizing events. Sometimes the school will maintain contact with the secretaries and let them know when a special reunion is coming up and what to do about it. Colleges are much more organized about reunions because they need money from their alumni. And they keep a list of addresses, too. But many times the lists are not current and people get "lost."  If you have interest in your own class having reunions, you should let the others know that you intend to keep in contact with as many as possible and that you'll take the job of alumni class secretary. Interest in reunions varies greatly!

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