
How do homeless people get money?

by  |  earlier

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dont say "they dont"

because if they didnt have any money at all

theyd be dead.

and i know they can get cans er whatever

but then what do they do with them?




  1. there are people that give them a dollar here and there some stores might feel bad for them and give them food. homeless shelters

  2. Most homeless people panhandle to make money. They either just ask random people for spare change or do the "will work for food" thing. Believe it or not there was a study done in NYC to see how much street beggars could make in a year. There were cases where they topped $150K! Think about it...if I made a dollar a minute asking for spare money...that is $60 an hr! And there is no tax paid on that wage....

  3. Like others  have already said they can panhandle, get other people to just give them money or they can recycle. You will see them with shopping carts full of cans and bottles in California. They sell them and buy alcohol  for food they usually go to a mission to eat. Alot of them don't bother to get government money but there are alot of them on social security.

  4. Homeless people don't all have money , that's why they're homeless , some beg for money to get a little something, but you don't need money to eat , don't you know America waste enough food to feed the whole world ? Many used to get food from the garbage cans and dumbsters in fastfoods like Mc Donalds , Burger King and also Supermarket dumbsters , I noticed in recent years that many of these places started locking up their garbage dumbsters to prevent them from making anymore mess , Many of the homeless go to shelters that feeds the homeless to eat , or any designated area where volunteers and non- profit organizations come to feed , ( parks , churches etc. ) homeless people already know where and when there's gonna be a feeding , when you're in the street ,you become street smart , some of  the homeless people gets on welfare and collect some money but it never last because being homeless and money management just don't mix , In the street you have different priorities ,

  5. Welfare, SSI, begging, homeless shelters, food pantries and collecting bottles for return.

  6. There's 2 ways they can get it.  The can steal it or the can beg for it.  They are entitled to government aid but most do even bother.  Plus socials are, by law, not aloud to assist them unless they specifically request it.

    thems the breaks unfortunately.

  7. 1) If they stay in a homeless shelter their disability check goes to the shelter and they dole out a percentage to them (like an allowance). Which generally they spend on alcohol.

    2) Beg on the streets. This is quit profitable to them. I have heard of some that make $300 plus a day.Think about that next time you hand out money.They are making more than you do in a day.

    3)Steal from others

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