
How do horses get to and from compititions?

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How do horses get to and from compititions?




  1. Every barn who takes their horses to competitions has a trailer... you hook up the trailer to a pickup truck and you load the horses into the trailer and you drive to the show.

    If you don't own a trailer, but want to take your horse to a show, you can hire a trailer... there are a number of companies throughout the country that offer to transport your horses... but of course you have to pay for their time, gas, miles on the vehicles and such.

    If you're taking your horse oversees... like if you're taking your racehorse to Dubai for the racing festival, then you load them up on an airplane and fly them across the ocean.

    So horses get there the same way people do... you just need a big enough vehicle to get them there ;o)

  2. in a horse trailer

  3. Many ways, I would think a horse trailer would be the most used, however trains can also be used.

  4. In a horse trailer. If going overseas they now have these really high tech huge planes that have stalls in them for the really expensive high level competition horses! Those planes are awesome!

  5. in horse trailers pulled by trucks.

    and it's 'competitions'

  6. Most go in a trailer or horse van, or they if they are going overseas, they go by air in a special plane.

  7. Want all the info go to the national assoc of horse carriers web site.  that has all the big boys bist (Brookledge, Sallee, Equine Express, etc)

  8. In a horse trailer! They are either shipped by the owners or you can hire a shipper to drive your horse

  9. Trailers or horse vans. Pretty simple.

  10. they take a taxi cab

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