
How do humans change the climate?

by Guest67092  |  earlier

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Okay, so you know how we had an Ice Age? How did the Earth warm up from that? Did the cavemen burn fossil fuels that warmed the earth? I dont get it. Our Earth has changed before, and its gonna change again.




  1. How do humans 'change' the climate? Your right, you just don't get it!

    Yes the Earth goes through climate changes, and has done so in the past,so what? The question now is how we are affecting those 'normal' climate changes.  If you were in a canoe in a lake, with large regular waves, you could ride out the changes that the waves make for the canoe.  If you stand up and rock the canoe, it will not be long before one of the 'normal' waves will be able to swamp your canoe.

    By our use of fossil fuels for the last 200 years,has changed the CO2 levels beyond prehistoric levels!  There is no debate as to the chemical properties of CO2, and it's effect on climate.  We used to have lead in our gasoline. The lead would be spewed out of the tail pipe, right into the atmosphere,and we breathed it! The levels of lead in children's bloodstream has fallen off sharply since lead was removed!   So that right there shows we can affect the climate,and clean it up!  

  2. Humans do not effect the climate. The sun and other natural cycles determine the climate.

  3. Here is a GREAT example of how mankind contributes to Global Warming and Climate Change  

  4. humans are responsible to change the green earth into a polluted one .as much as we are inventing electrical things modernizatiol we call it but along with that we spread the pollution by the factory waiste that is bieng dumped into sea or water body that make the water polluted than smoke from vehicles cause air pollution plastic and toxic remains dumped into ground make land dirty lovely forest are bieng cut down and the lovely animals living there are looking for shelter and that is how slowly we change the beautiful erth into a desert.

  5. By driving cars, pollution from factories and using aerosol products like hairspray.

    A few tips for protecting the environment:

    -Consume less


    -Eat less meat and more veggies

    -Drive less

    -Use a bike or ride public transportation

    -Buy used

    -Plant a tree

    -Don't litter

    -Buy more eco products from companies that help he environment

  6. Humans don't actually do anything to change the climate.  The major force at work in determining the climate is the sun.  Sometimes the earth has warmed up much more than this, other times it's cooled much more than humans have experienced.  People have no control over it, and can't change it.  Some people thing that burning fossil fuels like coal and gasoline are major contributors and are directly affecting the climate now, but many eminent scientists have shown this idea to be wrong.  

  7. Actually, you do get it.  You are right.  Humans do not change the climate.  I've read some interesting articles in Scientific American that said that increasingly violent activity on the Sun is contributing to global climate change.  Now this makes sense, since it's the Sun that warms the Earth in the first place.  If the Sun puts out more radiation, then of course the Earths's temperatures are going to rise.  

  8. Science suggests that there are two major factors related to global warming. The first is the earth naturally changes it's own climate, since the earth has earthquakes and storms, and ice ages and differing climates. But, the Ice Age could of ended when a meteor hit the earth and warmed it, or possibly due to CO2. No one  knows for sure because where there is science there will always be error. The second factor is human impact, temperature levels have risen, even though the earth naturally has grown warmer, it shows that in recent years, especially since the industrial revolution that earth's climate has soared. CO2 emissions causes the atmosphere to deteriorate and let more heat in and less out, the stored heat melts the ice caps which in turn increases water levels, the water levels disrupts currents that allow a heat balance, therefore resulting in extra cold places in one hemisphere and extra hot in another, certain climate changes will cause more storm, more frequently, that are more severe. Even if the sun were the cause of heat, we need to take precautions on earth, because you can never be too careful.

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