
How do hummingbirds mate and when do they mate? Do they nest at night?

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How do hummingbirds mate and when do they mate? Do they nest at night?




  1. Most hummingbirds are done nesting for the season..most already have fledglings (baby birds out of the nest).  They mate by the male and the female pressing their cloacas together and the male passes the sperm to the female this way.  The cloaca acts both for reproduction and excretion.  Hummingbirds like most other birds sleep at night...and if they happen to have an active nest..yes they will sleep on the nest.  Once the babies are feathered enough to keep themselves warm..the mother will not sit on them overnight.  Also, the females do ALL the caring of the babies..the male basically mates and then does not participate in the rest of the nesting process.

  2. they mate by flying very high, which is why you cannot keep them as "pets" not enough space...

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