
How do hurricanes or tropical storms formed tornadoes?

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How do hurricanes or tropical storms formed tornadoes?




  1. I think it is because the winds meet and they rotate and become a tornado. I'm not sure though. Hoipe this helps..



  2. Hurricanes and tropical storms require warm, moist air to form a storm.  That is why you will not see a hurricane form over land.  The strenght of the storm is what carries it onto land, but they eventually die.  Tornadoes form when two different masses of air meet which is why they usually happen in the afternoon (heat from the day is leaving and cold for the night is coming in) and usually last for a short time.  When they initially touch they create a strong funnel.  As soon as the airs combine though the funnel dies and the tornado is gone.  So hurricanes dont really cause tornadoes but rather provide the difference in air mass needed to create one.  Tornadoes happen on land and hurricanes happen in water.

  3. Some of the individual thunderstorms within a hurricane may develop enough rotation within themselves to spawn a funnel/tornado. This is due to the thunderstorm's dynamics itself - it really has nothing to do with the strength of the hurricane. In fact, it's really no different than a tornado spawning from any other thunderstorm.

    I am sorry, v_manno, but your answer is absolutely meterologically incorrect. Two air masses coming together will form a frontal boundary - a low pressure system - which is a synoptic-scale event. Daytime heating and nighttime cooling are NOT two definitive and separate airmasses and they do not cause tornadoes.

    Therefore tornadoes, a much smaller-scale weather phenomenon, are not produced by two colliding airmasses. They, however, may get extra "juice" from existing along a frontal boundary. That is why so many squall lines (a line of thunderstorms pushing out ahead of a cold front) produce severe storms and sometimes tornadic activity. However, tornadoes alone are a feature of the individual thunderstorm from which they are spawned. Wind shear aloft (updrafts and downdrafts rotating around eachother) is what causes tornadoes.

  4. Yes they do, but most of the tornadoes they spawn are weak and short lived. Tropical systems have the necessary ingredients for tornado development. Once they move on land, tornado watches and warnings are likely to be issued.

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