
How do hydrogen fuel cell cars work?

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How do hydrogen fuel cell cars work?




  1. first generate electric, probably using fossil fuel

    electrolise water to produce hydrogen & oxygen

    compress the thydrogen & tanker it to a refueling station (the powers are not likely to let you homebrew hydrogen in your basement) note hydrogen is a small molecule and escapes easily.

    fill the tank carefully.

    the fuel cell combines the hydrogen back with oxygen to produce electric.

    all very inefficient compared to sending the electric direct to a battery using an 90% efficient grid siystem, or home generator.

    Also battery technology is available today to give 250mile range refuel in 10 minutes. Fuel cells may be commercially available in 10 years (it has been 10 years for the last 15 years) or when the oil gets more expensive than producing & shipping the hydrogen.

  2. The hydrogen combines with oxygen from the air to produce water.   In the process, the hydrogen has to pass through a special plate where it produces electricity that goes to run the motor.

  3. Type in Hydrogen in youtube and watch the process its so...easy.

    It works on as many stainless plates as you may want to line up to each other, less than 1/8 of an inch apart and submersed in a gallon of water and a current of 2 volts running threw it.......thats it!!!

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