
How do i've to advice my son not to steal money?

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My son who is 16yrs was stealing money before 2yrs ago and after he was advised by his father, aunt and me, he regrets and stopped. Before few days ago, i found money under his mattress. I couldn't believe my eye and left the money there. He has no any bad habits like cigarettes, he only likes watching movie at cinema. Pls help me how i can advise him not to steal money. I'm hurted by his bad behaviour. Pls share me your idea.




  1. well being a mom i bet u'll wish ur son has no other bad habits but how sure can u be. if he can continue to steal after listening to his dad, aunt and u, then its clear sign that he's not in control of his "urges". have u checked his frens? well u can talk to him, not "lecture" but talk. and if he doesn't listen or still do it, then u can do to him wat he does for other. take away something which he cherish and hide it. let him find it and know how it feels to lose something. if u're think that enough is enough, slowly put the thing back without him realising that u've taken it in the first place, and slowly ask him how he felt bout losing the thing and then tell him tis is how someone feels when the lose their money or belonging

  2. Help him find a part time job so he can make money to support his hobby.

    Even when you don't thing he has bad habit, you should still keep an eye on him.  Many kids are smoking pot or using other drugs and don't get caught by parents.

    Ask a police officer for help.  Take him to the PD to have a tour at the cells and let an officer tell him a typical life in jail, because that's where he'll end up going to if he keeps stealing.  His appetite will grow bigger if he doesn't stop stealing.

    In the meantime, does he have any other hobby? Sports, collecting stamps, writing, painting?  Anything meaningful that he enjoys will consume his energy and put his creativity to work.  Being busy at good things will leave him less time wondering around and being tempted to steal.

    Change your strategy if it doesn't work.  If nothing seems to help, seek help from therapists or psychologists.  Many health insurance plans cover these appointments and co-pays are applied.  Just don't sit there and wait.  Good luck.

  3. Your son needs professional help.  He has been stealing far to long for a non-professional to help him.  The family has already talked with him about it and it did not do any good.

    He needs to go to a physiologist to see why he steals and to stop doing it.   He may be on something that you do not know about like dope.

    I hope not but you need to keep an eye on him and see if when he comes home, does he seam OK or a little slow at doing things and does his eye look funny to you.  

  4. tell him me should get a paper round to earn his own money and ask him how he would like it if he got his wages stolen from him

  5. the only thing i would want to know is why he is doing it, if you say he has no habits, drugs etc, then what does he want the money for, all you can do is talk to him and find out why he is doing, is it school, attention etc, then between you , you can sort it out, usually there is a underlying reason, and his are not the obvious ones, good luck

  6. Some steal for fun and the thrill of not getting caught and being able to beat the law. Others steal because they need to keep up with the peers and to keep themselves looking hot and entertained. Still others just do it because their friends are also doing it. They may not know the full consequences unless they get caught. What you may do is to let him see for himself where he'll land up (jail/ court/ handcuffed) Emphasized on the how he'll feel..(let him tell you.)

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