
How do i Find a Hamster?

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it got loose out of its cage and is somewhere in the house how do i find it?




  1. Pet food on the floor.

  2. Like others said put out it's favorite food out

  3. put his favorite treats out in the room he escaped at night.  Keep the lights out and quietly sit in a distance from the food, so you can still see it and youll see anything that moves or makes noise by it

  4. easiest way to determine where he is, is to sprinkle a border of flour around each doorway in the house. If you see hamster foot prints, you know that he crossed into that room. Block off the room and lay down some food and water. If he hasn't escaped outside, he should come eventually for the water/food. You could also put his cage down there, and open in hopes that he will crawl in and go to sleep.

  5. what i would do is put food in the opening or at corners. so like that when you go back and check on the food you placed is gone then it means that he toke it and is near by. try putting the food in the same place but this time stay there and wait for a while and see if he comes back.

    good luck.

  6. keep some of its favorite foods out in the open, and some crumbs around it. most likely, the hamster will be really hungry and it will come to the food. make sure you watch out though-to catch it when it comes close.

    a more effective plan would be to keep several bowls of food around the house, because it could be anywhere. keep a person in each area where the food is.

    good luck

  7. lay treats and food all over and toys like wheels and chew toys. also watch when your walking a round, search one room at a time!

  8. Put some food out for it, it will get hungry soon and keep a CLOSE eye on the food pile and hop on it when you see it

  9. one thing you can do is overnight have a bucket that is slippery and it has to be standing. Put a bunch of your hamsters favorite treats and food cause the hamster will eventually get hungry. You can put a ladder for the hamster to climb up and he'll slip into the bucket. probably a small bucket would be  better.  the bucket should be a little taller than him. so he dosen't fall and hurt himself. He'll try to climb back up but the bucket will be too slippery and the bucket will be too high. Do not put any objects in the bucket that he could climb. It would be okay if you watched and did it in the day time but hamsters are more active at night so it would be better to do it at night.

  10. Give this a try -

    If you still have some of the old bedding with the smell of your hamster in them, put some of it along with a few of your hamster p**p pieces in a tray on the floor of the place closest to where they escaped or near the cage.

    Spread some of his favourite treats and hamster food on the bedding in the tray. Some treats can include sunflower seeds, cheese rice krispies or corn flakes.

    The hamster, if nearby, would definitely come back since the scent of a hamster bedding is too strong for it to resist.

    You will have to watch guard over the tray from a quiet corner at nightime and the only disadvantage of this is that you might have to stay awake for one or two nights until you spot your hamster.

  11. Wait until its night.  Your hamster will make lots of noise then.  It's probably sleeping right now.

  12. Your hamster will need food and will go back in its cage.

  13. they like to go in closets and messy places where they can easily hide. Wait and If you are quiet you will probably hear it chewing on things. You might wanna start looking underneath couches etc. and closets you will notice alot of chewed up stuff, that is where the hamster is located.  You can also put some hamster food or treats around and the hamster will probably go and eat. there are also "humane" traps you can build or buy, just depends on how determined you are to find him.  Good luck! :)

      Here is a page that may help you a bit.

  14. put food in a bucket and then get a ramp leading to it it will come home soon to eat.

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