How do i get rid of the Hives? last january i had the same thing, the HIVES, it started with a fever, and then it led to hotness, then it led to addmitting me to the hospital, now August 2008, i still have them, but this started in July 2008, i dont understand, y? Durning July, the doctor prescirbed for me to use, Benadryl, Prednisone, Hydroxyzine. and Zantac, of course they thought it would have been becuz of my allergies, problem is, i dont kno what my allergies are, no one does, becuz i never had a allergie test, to see what my allergies are. The Childrens Hospital is really pissing, my mom off becuz they want to do a skin test, but they keep rescheduleing it. so my mom made a appointment for me at another place in my area. Anyway, i start school next tuesday, and i want to wear shorts but the hives are all over my legs, i dont want people to kno i broke out again, (becuz last year in january they all knew about it, my class) so i tried to look up a way for me to get rid of the hives, but nothin is working, becuz we would have to buy it to know how to. So can any smart people out there help me. I kno they cant go away on my time, but everyday i have to suffer from the itchy-ness. so can anyone help me and tell me how to make them start to go down? I kno it might be a allergic reaction, but problem is, we dont know what my ALLERGIES, are! so someone plz tell me how to get rid of the HIVES!
(The Hives are Itchy Red bumps, that can cause swelling in the feet hands, face, anything, if u have sentitive skin, well i am not sure if u need to have sentitive skin, but that's what i kno. So help!!)