
How do i Keep a garage rabbit warm? Answer Please?

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I will be getting a lionhead rabbit. I plan to be keeping it in the cage in a garage. I dont live in any warm state. I live in illinois. The winters are harsh. My garage get pretty cold. It could drop down to 20F in there. How can i keeep a rabbit warm? I have a broken heating pad that only works on low, should i use that?




  1. bring it inside. im soory but leaving it in the garage is mean.... it needs to be inside =/

  2. Do not use faulty equiptment in your rabbit cage. If anything goes wrong you could kill your rabbit.Get a new animal heat pad and put it under the hutch.

    make sure your cage is wooden (untreated thick plywood with a mesh front and small compartment).

    Bed the rabbit down with dust free chopped straw.

    You can insulate the outside of the cage with bubble wrap to keep the warmth in.

    If the water bottle starts to freeze then this is the sign that you will have to bring your rabbit indoors else it with die.

  3. Don't use a heating pad.  The rabbit will chew on it.  Get a big enough cage to make a "house", just a little bigger than the rabbit, for the rabbit to get into.  Put straw or some type of bedding for the rabbit in the "house".  If the cage is large enough put a heat lamp above one corner or the cage.  If he gets cold he'll get under it.  Rabbits adapt to winter conditions rather well.  Make the "house" out or wood.

  4. you can use a light bulb and cover the cage, but maybe the garage is not the best place to keep your bunny in the winter time

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