
How do i access a person in yahoo that is not on my contact list?

by  |  earlier

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i received an email address from someone i sort of know so that i could see their page but dont want to add him as a contact. How do i go about this?




  1. first answer is correct but another way to ditch one is: find it as contact/fan , hit block this person,wait 2 minutes,then open up "blocked persons" Ta Da....all gone.(just unblock it)

  2. If you have their username, (nick) and can access their page, the only way to be their contact is if they e-mail you and you click on the 'reciprocate' link.

    However, they could still be a 'Fan' of your questions and answers.

    Just go into your profile, Click on My network, and scroll down to where it says "My Contacts".. If they're in there, just click on 'Remove Contact'.

    If they're not, check "your fans" to see if they've added you, still giving them the right to see your answers.  The only way to delete them is to use the "Do not allow other Yahoo Answerers to be my fan" box.  (In your profile).

    Once you check this, noone can automatically become your fan, which is a good idea.. and you will not just be getting rid of them, but any others..

    If you really don't want him/her.. delete your fans, then go back and re-add them.  Check to see if these fans are in your profile twice.  Usually they are, so no harm, no foul.

    That's why I keep my 'automatic fan' add closed.

    Hope this helps! :)

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