
How do i add websites to a search engine?

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and how do i add a search engine to my website?




  1. Hi Judas, you can add your url to Google at this link...

    Now, you can build the most wonderful and creative website one can find on the net but getting your website to be ranked in the first page of a search may take years!!  Thats the reality, unless you arm yourself with the know how of Search Engine Optimization, your website may not even been "spidered" by Google.

    Wish you success

  2. Hi Ya google this site just what you need and its free for 31 days

  3. In my experience, putting a search engine on your web site through the convenient free methods available will only allow your visitors to find what the search engine has already indexed.  In otherwords, concentrate on getting your site in the search engines first.

    You need to find the submit pages for the engines you want to get into.  The engines that matter most are Google, Yahoo, and MSN in that order.  It could take weeks or months to get indexed after you submit your URL.

  4. Are you wanting to know how you can get your website on a search engine, or how to get a search engine on your website???

  5. You should signup for google adsense and use their search feature on your site. It is pretty cool and you get paid when people click ads

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