
How do i adopt my 8 yr old son?

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I met my wife when my son was 2 his dad has never been in the picture and has never paid any child support. We have recently got married and i want to adopt my son , can some one help please. i live in las vegas NV




  1. contact a lawyer who practices family law

    If the father isn't going to protest, the process should be fairly simple.

  2. Be very aware - that your son may still want links to his bio father.

    It's nothing to do with you - it's about him - who the people that make up 'him'.

    Have you asked him??

    Adopting means changing names - and too often original birth certificates are sealed away forever - never being available again to the adoptee once they are fully grown.

    At least allow him to keep his bio dad's name within his name - and add yours on the end.

    His father may not be important in your eyes - but all of an adoptee's mothers and fathers are important in an adoptee's eyes.

    Just be very aware of the full implications.

    Children don't need a piece of paper to know who their parents are.

    Just be aware of his desires - and put them above and beyond your own.

    (be also very aware that children will say whatever it is that they think YOU want to hear)

  3. FIRST talk to your wife and make sure she's in agreement.

    Then contact a lawyer who specializes in adoption.

    If you don't know how to find one, ask a family psychologist.


  4. You can go to the courts or a attorny and file for adoption.

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