
How do i advertise ON my website???

by  |  earlier

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i made a website on but i dont know how companies can advertise on it...




  1. Companies only would advertise on a good website with a high traffic on it ...

    it should be reputable and good website so companies would be sure that your website is going to drive them a good quality customers ..

    in other hand .. I recommend you to use Google Adsense on your website (but make sure first the the free host is not displaying Adsense Ads on your pages)

    and I am sure than you can make some good money with it

    visit my blog for more information about it .. and I'm sure that you can succeed just as I did ...

    good luck

    have a nice day

  2. A lot of free websites won't let you add your own ads. I'm not sure how works but you would need to check their terms and conditions. If you can put your own ads on there then the first place to go is the Google Adsense site and sign up. You can also try or - they are both large networks where you can find products and ads that you can add to your site.

    If they don't allow you to put your own ads on there then try creating a page on Squidoo. They have their own ads on the page but you can also add your own.

    I have set up a free Squidoo course that explains how to create a Squidoo page, how to add affiliate links or ads to the page and how to get traffic to it. -


  3. forget about this

    create a blog and start to sell banner spaces, google adsence, affiliates and much more.  

  4. You can't do it on a freewebs site because freewebs itself has advertisements. But here's how, you have to sign up with an advertisement company like google ads, and after you get approved, they give you the html code to paste onto a part of your webpage which will display a different ad each time someone goes onto that page.  

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