
How do i allow pops ups when playing yahoo pool?

by  |  earlier

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How do i allow pops ups when playing yahoo pool?




  1. It depends on your browser, but typically you can go to internet options and choose yahoo as a site to allow pop ups at.  If you are using a google pop up blocker, just click on where it says pop up block and change it there.  Also, try just holding the shift key when you hit the link.  this sometimes works.

  2. one way is when the pop up is blocked you will get a yellow bar just below the address bar telling you a pop up was blocked. you can click on this and it will give you several options one will be to allow pop upd from that site. choose that one. at least that is how i have done it.

  3. i think that you'll allow pop ups if you hold down the Ctrl (control) key while you click on the link/room

  4. Pop ups occur in baseball!

    just kiddin...good luck.

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