
How do i animate pictures in paint?

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How do i animate pictures in paint?




  1. You need an animation program in order to do that, a paint program will not provide those abilities.

    If you have PaintShop Pro then put the cd into your drive, you should have the option to install a secondary animation program, open your image up in that program and then explore the options available for animation.

    If you don't have PaintShop Pro there are probably a number of free programs that will do this out there, just Google "animation program"+free  just like that with the quotes and the +free.

    Hope this helps.

  2. You don't. Paint doesn't have the capability.

    Try the GNU Image Manipulation Program ( free from ) with this tutorial :

  3. Move it by useing you're mouse .

  4. You can't that I know of. Download a free, more complex image editing software package. My recommendation would be Serif PhotoPlus 6 (which is free).

  5. Ok...well paint isnt the best thing to use to animate..but i have used it in the will need to draw a background for the open up paint and draw it and then go to file on the top left of the screen and select "save as" and name and save (make sure you know you saved it) ok now that you have your back ground save you are going to need your characters...what i do sometimes is open another paint window...and draw my characters separately, now that you have your character in the pose you want them to being in... select it...then right click on it and select "copy" now paste it onto your background...for paint to work and make it look kinda nice you are going to need alot of windows open at the same time... to make it even nicer and should get that you can rotate and fix things easier...but what i do is for the things that are going to be moving or change in every frame you are going to have to do it in a different window...and be sure to save each frame with "SAVE AS" trust me DO NOT click "save"  because it will erase what u recently had just save in that window... once you have all your frames drawn and you have them numbered and know which order they go in... you will have to open windows movie maker, which is in the start menu, in all programs, listed under accesories comes with windows xp i believe... so now just set up your frame in order...and for that i like to use the storyboard option on windows movie to make it so that your frames move smoother to look like a real animation you need to speed it up...if you go into the edit movie which can be found on the left side of the windows movie maker window... and click effects... and then scroll all the way down to the bottom you should see a picture of hills...and a white man running =P and underneath it should say "speedup, double" just drag and drop that and do it to all your might have to drag and drop it onto one frame more then once =P well i hope this helped...and heres a video i made with paint, just how i explained it to you.. ....and this one i did with flash 5

    hope this helped.. =D

    and i would like it very much if you could show me the end result =D

  6. Paint is the most basic of all imaging programs, if it can even be called that. Animation is not possible. You need to purchase a much more sophisticagted program. Just google animation and you will get loads to choose from.

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