
How do i apologize to a friend whom i stopped talking to?

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i stopped talking to her sometime ago; recently i met her online,so i tried to start a conversation but she didn't want to talk to me( this i know is normal). How do i apologize to her? i'm a little bit confused

P.S: She's just a friend




  1. apologize by just saying how sorry u are!!

    that u are really sorry and do really wanna be friends...

    and maybe say that you understand if she dont wanna talk so that she feels you mean it

    love phoebe xox

  2. give her a mixed cd

    with apology songs on it

    such as

    hard to say -  by the used

    'its hard to say that i was wrong

    its hard to say i miss you

    since youve been gone its not the same

    its hard to say i held my tongue

    its hard to say if only

    since youve been gone its not the same'

  3. If she were your friend, you wouldn't have stopped talking to her so, she is a former, or "ex" friend.  Why do you want to pursue this relationship?  Is it because you feel guilty?  You stopped talking to her - she doesn't want to talk to you = dead-end and, surely, you both have moved on to other friendships.  But, in answer to  your question:  a person apologizes by extending an apology (how else?).   Write her a note saying you're sorry that your immature behaviour terminated the relationship but, don't be surprised if she doesn't reply.  

  4. walk up to her and ask if she'd mind if you wanted to talk for a minute. if she says no, then you'd obviously know she doesn't want to talk...apologise anyway. but if she says yes, then directly aplogise for not being able to talk (or whatever) and ask to be forgiven. apologise in the politest way you can. dont try to defend your doings and say something tactless. just a plain and a simple 'sorry'.

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