
How do i appear to genuinely care about people???

by Guest66959  |  earlier

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Id like to become closer to the people around me but id like to know what i should say and do to appear more careing about those around me,,,,,,




  1. Genuinely care about them.

    If you're going to pretend you care when you don't, people will see through this pretty quickly.

  2. You should treat them with courtesy and respect by being open and wanting to make them feel comfortable in your home or when they're with you.  Pay attention to and remember the things they say about their feelings, wants, goals, etc.  If/when you get angry with them, try not to yell at them or hurt them, but instead tell them why you're angry and what you both could do to make it better.  

    Does that make any sense?  I can't help but be so vague >_>  I hope it helps a little.

  3. You should say things like, "hello", or "how are you".  Now that you know what to say, lets move into how you want to appear.  First, you should buy a clown suit with bright, bold colors.  Wear this suit and paint (or tattoo) a smile on your face.  If you couple this with a big red foam nose and big goofy shoes, people will gravitate to you and you can definitely make a connection with those around you.  The clown suit alone shows that you care...learn how to make balloon animals, and they will know you mean it.    

  4. Genuinely care.

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