
How do i arrange app. 10 lacs in a year, i need it?

by  |  earlier

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I m a 22yrs old boy from India, and i need around Rs. 10 lacs for the happiness of my parents and my sister in a year and i m ready to do anything for this, so any one please tell me what shud i do?

Even i m ready to sell myself for this amount........

Please help!




  1. Stop begging!

    Or go sell yourself, atleast you will get rid of such relatives and will find a master of you to put some sense in you.

  2. Just for happiness, even if it is for anyone including you, if you are thinking of unfair means including selling yourself, you are setting a very wrong precedence and perhaps first step to ruin everyone.

    If demands persist pushing you to wrong means, forget those relations.

    Relationships based on materialistic foundations have no meaning.

    Come to your good senses. (if you are not playing any drama here!)

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