
How do i ask a serious question so i get serious answers?

by  |  earlier

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is this a serious question - WILL CORRUPTION (in the phils) EVER GO AWAY IN MY LIFETIME? pls answer. thanks.




  1. the ways of the dark side must be conquered and defeated.  good people the filipinos are.  better government we all deserve.

  2. ...asking serious questions doesn't guarantee you'll get serious answers.  ask anything you want and hope the users are in the mood to answer - seriously or not.

    corruption in the philippines is almost a way of life.  we can change our way of life.  not easy to do but we can try.  but maybe not in our lifetime.  i am an optimist but when it comes to philippine politics, i tend to be a pessimist.  sorry.

  3. How do i ask a serious question so i get serious answers?

    Just ask and read it to see if it's serious or not.

    is this a serious question -

    Not really - because the obvious answer is NO so some people might answer with humor because the answer is obvious.


    Not in your lifetime.

  4. It hasn't gone away in any other country except maybe Finland, so why would it?  I don't think so.  The USA is very corrupt, and they insure that it continues in other countries as well.

  5. Corruption would  only stop if every citizens in the Philippines is a millionaire. Until that happens, expect the same question  you posted above would be  the same  question that your  your grandchildren will post in YA answers  decades from now.

  6. sunny side up, after colorade i will never eat eggs whole again

  7. Seriously, are your serious?  

  8. change your screen name

    about corruption - we can only hope

  9. i suppose that's a joke. am i right?

  10. never.

    not unless you vote me for president.

  11. when you're seriously ill


  12. that's clearly not a serious question

  13. Jokers don't get serious answers....  SERIOUSLY, your country needs what Socrates called benevolent dictator.

    Ooooh! the Submit button is on the left side~! Wow.

  14. Now, that's a joke.  Who will ever think SERIOUSLY that corruption will go away in your lifetime? Too late for mine, not in yours, not even in your grandchildren's children.

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