
How do i ask if i can go on the pill?

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i get HORRIBLE pains & feeling sick. usally get sent home from school with cramps. i asked before and my mum said no




  1. I think if you are over 16 you can take yourself to the dr and get a script for the pill, it is best to follow your mothers advice!

  2. You don't say how old you are, but if you're getting periods and know about the pill then you are most likely old enough to see a doctor without your parents being with you or knowing about it.  I would recommend NOT seeing the family doctor but finding your own - maybe a woman who you feel you can talk to.  If you don't feel comfortable doing this on your own, do you perhaps have an aunt or mother of a friend that you can talk to about this?  They might help you.  There is nothing wrong with making choices for yourself about your own body.  Just be aware that the pill isn't a cure-all and has it's own side effects, many of which can be unpleasant.  Do some research, ask some questions and educate yourself about what is best for you.

    Also, be aware that even if you decide to go to the family doctor alone, he/she is not allowed to discuss your visit with your parents - this is a breach of the doctor/patient confidentiality and no matter your age, if you make the appointment yourself and attend alone the details of your visit are strictly between you and your doctor.  The doctor is really not even allowed to mention that you came in for an appointment.

    Good luck...

  3. I thought even at 15 you could get a prescription, are there any free clinics near you?

    If not, ask your mother to take you to the doctor to deal with your cramps...don't mention birth control, just say to look for solutions for your cramps. If the doctor then suggests birth control, your mother is more likely to listen.

    By the way, birth control doesn't always fix cramps. I know people who've gone on it for cramps, and still got them. Have you tried the pain killers like naproxen specifically targeted for period pain?


  4. well i was serverly angry becasue i was on it

    coz i get bad skin and also vomitting and cramps ( ik now how you feel)

    and my mother was fine with it ...

    then i get a boyfriend and now it is NOT okay with her!!!

    honestly if you sit your mother down, look into her eyes and ask her

    'do you really want me to be in this much pain??'

  5. Just do it without her permission, it sounds like it would be very beneficial to you.  

  6. go to your doctor  

  7. okay first

    schedulle a meeting with ur phisycian and talk to her infront of ur mom tell her whats going on and ur doctor will speak with ur mother and get u on the pill

  8. The pill isn't exactly a tablet that takes the pain away over night. Taking the pill is generally for contraceptive reasons.  Women are prescribed different types of the pill to suit their body in accordance with their menstruation cycle and hormones. There is the contraceptive pill, the progestogen-only pill or the Mini Pill as well as the combined pill...and of course, the morning after pill.

    They all contain different hormones and work differently with varied advantages and disadvantages.'The Pill' (combined oral contraceptive pill), has two types of hormones in it - oestrogen and progestogen. The POP or Mini-Pill has only progestogen in it. Because there are many different Pills with different amounts of hormones, it is important to consult your doctor and read all the material you are given for the Pill.

    When a woman takes the Pill her normal menstrual cycle is interrupted. The pill does affect your hormones, and can cause a few side effects, such as tender b*****s, nausea (feeling sick) and even may cause weight gain. Your mum said No for a good reason. Because she would know far more about it than you would. You are still young, and your body is constantly changing, and growing.

    There are other ways to relieve the pain... such as over the counter pain relievers for your period pain and nausea... Try giving them a go before you do anything drastic. The other option is to go to your GP with your mum and talk about your options, and what he/she suggests to do. You may even have to take an ultra sound to check your ovaries, to make sure they are fine.

    Though, as i said... Since you are only 15..16... there are better ways to take care of the pain and nausea without going on the pill. It'll only corrupt your hormones! You're still young!

  9. there comes a time to make your own decision - don't ask, just do.

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