
How do i ask without being rude?

by Guest33880  |  earlier

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ok so i just started dating this guy and he has darker skin. He's really cute and nice and everything, but I'm not sure what ethnicities he is..How do I ask without being rude? Thanks!




  1. Tell him he has beautiful skin and ask him where his family came from.

  2. You've got to see the Seinfeld episode on this where Elaine dates a guy she thinks is black. He thinks she's spanish. They end up finding out their both a couple of white people and lose interest..ha!

    Meet his family...

  3. Just ask him about his heritage. It's not a big deal.

  4. i dont think it would be rude if you just asked while you were having a conversation about eachother.

  5. omg. ur dating him?!?!?! just make a joke out of it. be like "wow im really white!!! do you think im pale?" if he says yes, say "yeah ur right. i mean at least compared to you. you have ethnic skin. whats your ethnicity anyway? its hard to tell." and if he says no, then say "i like your skin tone...its exotic. what nationality are you anyway? its hard to tell."

    or a simple copout can be "were your grandparents born in this country?"

  6. Just bring up an Aunt or Uncle of yours and where they live, back in England or where ever...after you have told a thing or two about them or some other family memeber, ask...where is your family from...go from there.   It is no big deal really.

  7. Just talk and ask about what he likes to do in his spare time or his hobbies. Does he have brothers and sisters? Tell him if you do. What does his parents do? Tell him what do yours do. Where are his parents from and if he says a city and state then say where yours are from as in countries.

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