
How do i audition for HSM 4???

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hi! im a really good actor and well i look nice too and i think i can make it to be on HSM 4! i want to know if anybody really knows how i can audition!? and another question i have is what is HSM get in the picture? i dont want to be specifically only in HSM but i would like to act for disney! i am fourteen if that helps!!! thank yall so much!!!

PS: how can i get an agent and how much are they??





  1. ahh, go to africa and make ur own hsm 4 cuz hun this is the senior year hsm stands for HIGH SCHOOL musoical i dont think theiras 13 grade, but again i could be worng and you can be righttt (yeahright) alright well good luck withh THE HSM 4!

  2. You  never will be. Get over it.

  3. theres not going to be a hsm4.

  4. There isnt going to be one.HSM3 is the last one im srry find a diffferent movie!IM truly srrry

  5. One of the only ways is through an agent. Get some classes and experience, but in the meantime, there is also this way: An actor who also works for Disney has a blog website for aspiring actors to do not have agents. It has all the information you need if you would like to submit for acting roles for Disney Channel, as well as information on how your resume should look, and the addresses to send them to for certain Disney Channel movies/tv shows you would like to audition for. Here is the link:

    Hope this helped :)

    And he said he will post up information on High School Musical 4 when they start casting. Good luck!

  6. Hello!

    When the auditions for HSM 4 come out, then go for it! :)

    Hope I Helped!


  7. you have to go to the auditions. plus hms 3 isnt even out so why hms4?

  8. there will not be a hsm4

  9. To answer your question about auditons:

    So far there is no auditions for High School Musical 4. High School Musical 3 isnt even out yet, once it is then you might hear something about auditions for the 4th movie.

    Since you are not limiting yourself to just being in HSM4, I could suggest that you tryout for Camp Rock 2. Auditions are already in progress. You just have to send in your resume and headshot.

    Visit this website and you will get information on Camp Rock 2, if you are interested. You can also get information on upcoming Disney movies, shows, ect. Website:

    As for your question about High School Musical: Get In The Picture, it is a new Disney reality show. People who are interested in the Disney career or just High School Musical (mostly just HSM), go to an open call and tryout. At the end of the show someone will win. They will perform in the last song/clip of the movie HSM3, during the credits it is said.

    I hope I helped!

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