
How do i be a motivational speaker? an inspirer, skilled in rhetoric?

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i wan to say the right words at the right time, i want to say the words that people feel!




  1. Pray for guidance and the wisdom to know what to do next.

    Be clever enough to take any rare opportunities... as they could be 1 of a kind.

  2. This will sound too simplistic, but one becomes a motivational speaker by being motivated, inspired and through the study of rhetoric.

  3. Get hold of a few books on great speeches made by Heads of States and motivational speakers. Compile famous quotations made by great scientists, philosophers and literary giants through the centuries. Participate constantly in debates and speech-making. Listen to all the presidential speeches on Youtube, for the past year. Find opportunities to make speeches at wedding dinners, award ceremonies, funerals, etc.

    The right words and phrases to be said will depend on your topic or situation. Be sincere and convincing in what you have to say , so people will listen. Ensure you look at the audience often and do not rely too much on your notes. Speak clearly and avoid using pompous words.

    The idea is to be real and communicate well to the common person. Vary your voice volume as necessary, and repeat certain words for better impact. Cheers!

  4. take classes, read books, and pratice

  5. people are born charismatic like alexander the great or napoleon. But to be completley honest with you: if you want to inspire someone else you must be inspired yourself,  you must be passionate! Don't write a speech, write little points that you "should mention" but go off on your like Martin Luther King, when he was about to give his speech and then someone told him "tell us about your dream". So you must tell everyone about your dream. When you talk to people, remember that they are people just like you and what inspired you would probably inspire them also. in a two word summary: BE HONEST

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