
How do i be a player in high school?

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Ok well first off i know all you guys will probably say that i need to focus on other things. But im a senior this year and im not really good with the ladies. Alot of my friends allways do things with girls and i guess im too nice??? idk I try to talk to them but it doesnt work. Im not tht bad lookin either and when it comes down to it i cant physically flirt with them bc im nervous ill get rejected or slapped etc. Helpp!!!!!




  1. Be yourself. Don't be a player.

  2. ALWAYS be yourself, because when your just yourself around girls you'll know they like you for the real you not just something you've become. And don't worry about it just wait for the right girl to come along :) Good Luck xx

  3. first of all, you don't want to be a player.  its fun for a while, but everyone figures it out real quick and you go from being a player to a joke.  this is especially true in high school where i'm sure you've known half the people since grade school.  i just finished my freshman year of college and if i were you i would play the awkward card.  there will be 100 guys out there that are spitting game and making stuff up about a girl's eyes, but girls like guys to be themselves.  if thats awkward then go with it and they will know that you're for real.  the one thing you have to do is go for it with a girl that you like.  even if its awkward and terrible if you act like your normal awkward self she'll think its cute.  its your senior year and you will be with these people for another 9 months and then its over.  even if you get turned down its not that bad.  she won't think you're a jerk if you do it as yourself.  i'm sure you will be going to college next year and its a chance to start over as anything you want to be.  from experience i will tell you not to be after every girl that walks by trying to get laid every night.  i promise if you're the guy who makes friends with girls and looks after them you'll have them coming to you.  i was never the guy that was out grinding on the dance floor.  instead i was the polite one who said excuse me when i bumped into them and offered to walk them home.  9 times out of 10 i didn' get invited in, but the next day every single one of her friends knew i was a decent guy and that got me far.

    that was a lot to write, but i was the exact same guy 2 years ago.  i just learned how to use my awkwardness to my advantage.  after you fight through to fear a couple times you'll start to realize that its not that bad to get shot down and you'll start to get some confidence.  just don't be a player.  everyone hates them and girls talk.

  4. I'm not trying to brag like a son of a *****, but I've gotten quite a bit and I'm only a rising junior. It'd be easier to actually work with you on it but I'll just give you a main point to follow.

    Be a little cocky. Make obvious s*x jokes and sexual references. If they play along, there you go. And make those jokes and references as a way to making suggestions of things you and whatever girl you're talking to should actually do. And if she agrees then you're all set.

    I don't really know what else to tell you. Just email me if you have any questions.

  5. Join Sports!!!..., trust me!!!, i know it sounds soooo movie-ish, but it works!!!...

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