
How do i be more naked at home

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i love being naked but i wanna know what is the right time ot be naked i have 3 brothers n 2 parents. i live in a big house but not always alone. can u give me advice to and when to be naked at home. would my parents be cool with me walking around naked and has this ever happened to you? please n thank you am 14 by the way




  1. Goto school naked

  2. I would suggest doing it in the middle of a party when ALL your parents friends, associates and co workers might be around!! I am sure they would be THRILLED!!!( how's that for a silly answer to a silly question!) 

    Walk naked when you move out and have your own place where no one would not "be cool" with it!!!  Until then...keep your d**n clothes on outside your bedroom or bathroom!!!

  3. Compromise and wear a thong. That way you have that mostly naked feeling, but are still sort of covered up. Good luck!

  4. do it in your room

  5. You can be naked when you are alone.

    Another peculiarity in your attitude tells me to tell you that you need an immediate counseling by a Psychiatrist. Something wrong in your thinking.

    Three brothers OK but what is that TWO PARENTS stuff - I could not understand. Because two parents mean two fathers and two mothers. How is this possible or Is this Possible?

  6. Wow, my advice to you is just go for it!!!! Let it ALL hang out!

  7. Bathroom time is good.Be thank full you don't live in a nudest community then your parents would run around as bare as you.YUCK that's not a pleasant thought.You'll have your chance to walk around in the buff when you have your own place.

  8. You're living in your parent's house, not your own, so you have to play it by their rules. If they insist you keep yourself covered whenever you're not bathing, then you should respect their wishes. If they have no problem with you being naked in your own room (providing you don't share it with one of your brothers) and everyone is willing to knock first and give you a moment to throw on a robe or something before expecting you to open the door, then there shouldn't be a problem.

    Remember to keep your blinds closed off so your neighbors don't face the prospect of seeing you prancing around in the buff.

    Once you move out and have your own home with doors you can lock any time you want, you can feel free to be as naked as you want whenever you want (again, remembering to respect your neighbors). You can also, at that time, consider joining a nudest club. It may be just the place for a person like you.

  9. Try to open the channels of communication.  Listen to and observe your parents.  Ask questions.  Help them to know what you're thinking. Look for common ground or areas of agreement.  Build trust and acceptance and go from there.  This is where you and your parents can begin to work out the details.

  10. I'm 14 too and for me, I don't like to be naked as much, but if you want to, the best time is to be after you take a shower. I spend time in the bathroom and air dry and listen to music and stuff.

    For you, maybe it's better to stay in your room to do that or do it at night. I don't think your parents would be cool with it or they would already be doing it all the time and stuff right? Well, good luck.

  11. be naked while u take a bath

  12. no your parents would not be cool with that.

    how about you go in the garage, closet, private places, bathroom, or in your room and lock the door, or just try to go somewhere were you are alone.

    : D hope i helped.

  13. well you could just lock your door and be naked there and make sure you close the blinds bec u dont want ppl looking at u  

  14. Interesting question. Why don't you talk to your parents about this and be guided by them? Obviously you can be in your own room.

    Hope that helps  

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