
How do i be popular???

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ok so im craving populairity at my highschool! its only the 4rth day and I just wanna be really popular as a freshmen this year. I was REALLY well known and like the 2nd most prittest girl in 8th grade(because the other girl was a hoe:-) )so like this year i see all my frins from last year talking to all theese 10th,11th,& 12th graders and im like wtf guyss? i mean i wasnt THE most popular chick in the 8th grade but i was somewhere between really-high and medium could u tell me how to get on the ladder and get well known again. By the way im scene so im already louddd:)))but it seems like all the preps i used to talk to and be friends with hate me this year...idk can you jsut tell me how?????????




  1. :(

    You make me sad with your shallowness.

  2. Obviously, take it from the ho.

  3. Get yourself known for something positive, play a sport, join a club, ect.

  4. -Uhm join a lot of clubs

    -join a sport(s)

    -talk a lot of people from different groups

    -get good grades

    -dress trendy

    -flirt with cute boys

    -don't do anything S****y because youll get a reputation

    -act confident and level-headed

    -smile at people you don't know

    -act friendly

    -avoid conflict in a mature way

  5. Sleep with all your classmates

  6. Act stuck up

  7. Sorry, that was then and this is now. Going from the oldest age group in junior high to the youngest in high school is tough, but part of what it means is that you'll lose most of your status. No freshman is "cool" or "popular" in high school except sometimes to other freshmen. :(

    Do your best to be a nice person. Become the friend people confide in. Then you will gain the kind of respect that you cannot get just from popularity. :)
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