
How do i become a bone marrow donor?

by Guest56116  |  earlier

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i live in the Manchester area and dont know how to become a donor




  1. You should contact the National Marrow Donors Program for the US.

    Their site tells you how to sign up.

    You can go to a recruitment center if there is one in your area, you you can sign up via mail (they will send you a kit that you return)

    They will take a tissue sample (cheek swab) and it costs 52 dollars.  It costs because of the extensive testing they have to do to determine your HLA tissue type (dna testing).  That charge is just a small fraction of what that testing costs.  They charge to help offset some of the costs  

    As a leukemia patient and stem cell transplant patient, thank you for wanting to join.

  2. well done you!

    register with the anthony nolan trust...

  3. If you go to donate blood at a local blood drive, usually they are every 2-3 months locally, you can see one of the nurses there about going on the bone marrow register...they will advise you from there! You have to donate blood first as they need to take a sample of your blood to analyse what bone marrow type you are

  4. Contact a local hospital.  They will guide you from there.

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