
How do i become a citizen of america?

by  |  earlier

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i want to move to LA but how do i go about doing it? How much does it cost? etc




  1. Easy, go to Mexico and cross the wide open border into the U.S, and join the military. Not even ID's will be asked at this time, we are very short of soldiers, and chances are you will be "Automatic Citizen", when joined the military.

    Come serf your new home!

  2. Here is the website with all the information you are seeking.

  3. It is a complex process with specific legal requirements.  If you do not qualify, you are not eligible.

    See the following site for more information:

  4. if you want to move to LA you must try to find a job there ,then the employer will ask for a visa for you and do the rest ...then you could get a green card , and after some years be able to get citizenship of the US

    .looking for jobs trough the internet :

  5. I'm going to guess that you're Scottish (just a wee hunch).  There are several ways to get to the USA legally:

    Asylum - well you could try but even with the prospect of Gordon Brown as PM, I think its unlikely.

    Marriage - Easy provided you fall in love with a US citizen.  Do not think you can fool Immigration with a sham marriage.  They know more about you than you know about yourself.

    Study - only if you can afford it.  Education does not come cheap.

    Work - You need at least a 4 year degree and preferably a Masters.  There are very few visas to be had.

    Green Card Lottery - If my hunch is right and you're from GB, you don't qualify.  If you're from NI there is still, I think, a program which allows two three-year stays in the USA.

    As to costs, the fees will be a few hundred pounds.  If you get an immigration lawyer (I did) you can expect to pay a four-figure sum on top of that.  Including fees, it probably cost me about 3,500 pounds to immigrate to the USA.

    By the way, I saw your earlier question.  Some debts will follow you, so beware.  UK Banks and CC companies have arrangements with debt collectors in the USA.

  6. Go to Mexico, cross the border illegally and wait for the Dem's to give you amnesty. The reason why the Dem's are giving this amnesty bill is to increase their voter pool. They recentluy realized that future Democratic voters are being aborted so they need to depend on immigration to maintain their power.

    The US not counting illegal immigration is in negative growth. If this trend continues there will be no one left in this country to run it by 2050. Everyone will be illegals picking crops, and building houses. But there will not be enough people to eat the crops or buy the houses.

  7. Well that's kind of hard to answer since we don't know who you are or where you are!

  8. Ask the US State Department, they should have all the answers. it would also benefit you greatly if you learn english.

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