
How do i become a disney channel actress

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okay I'm 14, and i really love disney channel...i really don't have much experience but this is my dream! every time i think about it i cry because i'm not one of the lucky ones like miley cyrus who came from a celebrity family..or someone like demi lovato who started when they were three and i don't have connections either. i want this more than any thing in the world... i just want to know how i can become an actress for disney channel. iv looked for auditions on the enternet and haven't found anything... and another question i have is how do i know when and where an audition is? i cannot fly to L.A. i live in mississippi.............oh and no rude comments please...........




  1. It is a shame that life is so unfair that all of us who would like to try to become a Disney actor could at least try to do so.  But life never has and never will be fair. It takes the years of preparation and the active support of family such as miley and demi were blessed to have in order to make it.  The best the rest of us can do is to change to a more realistic dream to  try to become the best actors we can by starting right where we are, acting in our school and community theatres. If we are successful in that, we can add taking professional acting classes and continue to work toward an acting career. It takes many many years and is a very uncertain journey.

  2. without experience you unfortunately have little chance why not try and accomplish something nore atainable like a part in a school play to see if you have the right stuff

  3. I was just like you a year or two ago.

    I sought professional advice and this is what I got.

    You have to have a bit of experience. If you really want to be an actress, you need to start taking opportunities. The more experience you have, the better you get. That means plays through your school, or a local theater company.

    I started doing plays through theater companies this year. It may seem scary, but you have to start some where. I was really nervous, but somebody said "Hey if you want to be doing this your whole life, you can't be afraid to try it."

    So I finally worked up the nerve to audition for a role in the play "Father of the Bride" in a town not too far from where I live. I didn't expect to make it in because I was a bit too young, but my mom encouraged me to do it just because you have to take a little rejection. It turns out they thought I was really good and gave me the part even though I was too young.

    So my advice is start somewhere. It may not be Disney, but these kinds of things aren't instant. Especially for people like you and me who don't have the big shot connections. If you want something bad enough, you have to work for it.

    Good luck!  

  4. Be yourself.

    Don't try to be Miley Cyrus

    If you want to act, school plays and community theatre

    Sometimes talent scounts show up at these things, you never know.

    Just keep trying.  

  5. Start small

    School plays and community performances

    then, if you believe that you are good enough, take at lest three acting classes offered at your local community college

    after that, look around for a good agency that specializes in young, new actors

    there, you will have to start small again with commercials and other things of that sort

    If that path has shown to be successful, go ahead and start auditioning around for all kinds of shows and stations including the Disney channel


  6. okay, fist you need to sign with a talent agency, they will get you jobs with comercials at fist. make sure they know your dream, otherwise you will never get there. then once youve done comercials and gotten some exposure, you can work your way up to were you want to be. but i cant stress enought that YOU NEED TO START BY SIGNING WITH A TALENT AGENCY AND GETTING AN AGENT THROUGH THEM. good luck and i hope to see you up on tv one day. and remeber, anything is possible if you set your mind to it.


  7. hi my names rachel and im 14.... selena gomez is my cousin and she never had experience with acting she just loved to do she went a tried out and got the part it doesn't matter if u have experience its how well you can act......and the bad part is that u are going to have o fly to either calafornia,new york,or boston to tr out and im sure the guardian of you will fly with you there if its your dream and they beileve  u can do it!!!! good luck


                    rachel gomez      

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