
How do i become a good POINT GUARD?

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I have been playing point guard all of my life, but there is always this person that thinks he is better and he gets to play the position and i don't! how do i practice so that i can start in the games, what can i practice, and how do it?

Thanks for all your help!




  1. Well all you have to do is work harder on point guard skills obviously. By working on dribbling and your weaker hand. Shooting from the outside is a must. And run every day. A point guard must be able to lead the team on the floor and he/she can't do that if he/she is exhausted. And of course this will be most important. Be a pass first/ shoot second player. A point guard has to be willing and able to make plays for his/her teammates.  

  2. sounds like you haven't seen the real world won't reach the max of your potential if you aren't a pointguard so bthis is what to do:

    He can get in at that position for a reason you can't--he's obviuosly pushing for the position despite the fact that he might be way worse than you. You have to push to get to that position. What i mean is that in a game. ask him: can i take up the ball, can i be pointguard? If he ignores you wait to get the rebound ofr tell whooever gets the rebound to give you nthe ball on the inbound. You need some attitude and you need to ignore foolish peoples yells for a pass or "why are you doing that"---think about it-would it have made a difference if you hogged anyway- people just care about getting the ball for themselves. Just ignore that guy--its all first come, first serve --nobody cares if ur good or not till you burn it in their faces. Then they begin to acknowledge it. I'm saying if you don't push for that position it'll just get worse but i hope you do get it. Good Luck!

    p.s.  after all even michael jordan didn't nmake his 10th grade team and he could dunk better than anyone there!

  3. being a point guard has a lot to do with dribbling and passing the ball a lot.  to improve your ball handling, everytime you walk around you should dribble a tennis ball which is what steve nash did when he was a kid.  also practice dribbling with your off hand (your left hand if your righthanded). pointguards should also be good at passing and have good court vision so play in more pickup games so you get used to passing in ingame situations and will also help improve your court vision

  4. first of all, believe in your abilities. practice your ball handling at all times.if you have to walk to the store dribble your ball left handed to the store and right  handed returning home. practice bounce and  chest passes off walls. your court vision has to be enhanced. have someone practice with you to develop your unselfish with the ball but always know when to take your own shots. even though you have the ball most of the time,do not be a liability on the offensive end by not being able to score.take a hundred extra shots when practice is over to make you more comfortable in scoring situations.go hard all the time and don't slack up on defense.

  5. play for a different team or embarrass him in practice

  6. 1.  Great dribbling skills-- Practise with tennis ball, sitting down etc...

    Being able to dribble without looking at the ball helps your Court vision

    2.  Passing Skills--Practise passing accurately and knowing where the ball is at all times.

    3.  Practise sprinting.  Explosiveness is one of the most important traits in a good point guard, being able to blow past the defenders for a layup.

  7. you have to practice good passing skills. i know that this probably sounds lame, but its how they do it. you should also practice drinking coffee and no milk, so you stay short (lol). you should also work on shooting from different areas on the court to learn the ranges, and how hard to shoot the ball in different areas. you should also try to take control of the floor. don't be afraid to call for a pick or an isolation, etc. the point guard is arguably the most important player on the floor, and you have to make plays to show it.

  8. work on your stamina

    run as much as you can and do suicides alot

    work on your ball handling drible 50 time right handed then left handed then do it with your eyes closed.

    then run as fast as you can dribbling the ball up and down the court switch hands each time

    then jog for as long as you can dribbiling the ball

    dribble between your legs figure 8 style .

    do air figure 8's without letting the ball touch the ground look up as your doing it

  9. its all about ball handling and vision, and since vision is more a thing of how often you play with others or sometimes natural, i would work more on passing and ball handling.  just whenever youre sitting around watching tv, dribble a ball while watching.  itll make dribbling so automatic and natural that you wont even have to look or think about it at all and can fully focus on your surroundings while playing.  thats huge for a point guard.

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