
How do i become a good essay writer for my new teacher?

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Well here is the issues im having!

Since we have had a new english teacher she hates the way i write. She gives me C's and D+'s!!!!!!

I am an A student in all my subjects but ever since this teacher i'v been scraping through a pass... any one know why? tell me anything like my sentences my structure anything

PLEAS HELP best answer 10 points guaranteed

can some english teachers please answer... i need helkp to get my marks up before i my end of school exams.




  1. Does the teacher CONSTRUCTIVELY critique your writing and offer suggestions as to how you can improve your essays?  That is very important.

    Next, the teacher should offer you examples of what she considers "good writing!"  I don't suggest "slavishly" following the teacher's style but try to develop your own style of what the teacher should be trying to convey to you.

    One very good way to write is write every day.  Faithfully keep a journal and you'll be surprised how much your writing improves.

    Good luck and practice, practice, practice!

  2. Honestly I don't know your teacher or her grading or what can be "grudging style" so I can't help you to much. Some things you can do is revise your essays as much as you possibly can and use the comments she makes on previous essays and improve. If she didn't tell you what you're doing wrong or you don't understand go to her and ask if she'd go through it with you and point out what improvements you could have made. If you show how much effort your putting into it she may be a little easier on you, some always think you can do better. Complaing to your teacher about how unfair she marks isn't the way to do it though. Sometimes English is just harder, I know many A students who got C's in English. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. (and obviously it isn't my strength either) Good luck

  3. If what you've written here is any example of your writing abilities, I'd say giving you a C or a D is probably being nice. You don't spell correctly, you don't punctuate worth a c**p; it sounds like you're a foreigner! Are you?

    Have you tried READING some essays on-line? There are plenty of good ones out there for you to use as examples.  Take the subject of your essay, like "Abortion" for instance.  Type "abortion essay" into GOOGLE and you'll get thousands of them.  Read a few, and you'll see which ones are great and which ones suck.  

    DON'T turn in an essay you haven't spell-checked.

    DON'T turn in an essay you haven't had a friend/mom read through first.

    CHECK your punctuation.

    MAKE your comments on the subject interesting AND look up PROOF that supports them!

    A normal high-school essay is about 500 words, try not to go fewer than that, and don't go way over that amount...unless the teacher requests it.

    Also, if your teacher has put ANY comments on your essays and you haven't been using them to improve your work, you are a jerk.  DUH!  If your teacher isn't putting comments on your paper, s/he is a jerk!  If this is the case, attach a note at the end of your paper asking for SPECIFIC advice.  

    It takes about 25 essays before anyone gets very good at writing them.  Even then, they're not exactly works of art!  Keep at it, because a person who cannot write well is a boor.  You don't want that, do you?

    Kindest Regards,


  4. Good resources to help you with your essay writing:  Good Luck.

    Essay Writing, Study Skills.

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