
How do i become a level 2?

by  |  earlier

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How do i become a level 2?




  1. Just keeping answering the most questions you can for the day, each answer you get two points.  If you ask a question you lose 5 points but you can can 3 points for selecting an answer from the question you asked.  So just keep answering the questions and don't ask lots of question until you move up in levels.

  2. I'm about to go to level three.  I'm getting rather annoyed at people giving me one word answers or answering questions that way.  This is supposed to be a forum to help people.

  3. get a d average on level one

  4. keep answering but if you ask question it takes points off

  5. Get point asnwering people ;)

  6. Answering people's questions=2 points per question answered.

    Voting on a best answer=1 point per vote

    Also if you get your question voted as 'best answer' that's 10 points, plus how many thumbs up you get (for example 2 thumbs up = 2 extra points).

    However asking questions is -5 points.

  7. I used to be be on the Highest points  you can get here. Then my old Yahoo ID jamed up on me. God don't you love Yahoo somtimes. Now on the ID I have to start all over again , LOL...

  8. Here are the point requirements for each level.

    1 ► 1-249

    2 ► 250-999

    3 ► 1,000-2,499

    4 ► 2,500-4,999

    5 ► 5,000-9,999

    6 ► 10,000-24,999

    7 ► 25,000+

    You can see the chart on how to earn points by clicking on your points or level.


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