
How do i become a mermaid? no spells.ok spells?

by  |  earlier

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no im not a little kid in 21. and a deep sea diver. i have seen mermaids.




  1. I believe mermaids do exist. But I am sorry to say that you must be born of one, there is no potion or spell which you can drink or have upon you which is going to make you a mermaid. Sorry, you should use an under ground camera and next time you come across one take a picture, I have seen many pictures of them and it would be interesting to see what type of mermaid you have seen. Good luck to you. I would go over deep sea diving to St Thomas or Great Barrier Reef in Australia, I know of some people who have seen them there.

    Add on:  I would love to see your picture, I have seen them myself.

  2. email me pictures of mermaids id like to see them

  3. and i saw bigfoot while getting my mail...

  4. heroin....take it and you can become anything you wanna be! and I'm guessing that you were on something when you seen a mermaid!

  5. Send me a picture!!!

                  Here it is!

  6. Go to sprit the holloween store and buy a mermaid costum

  7. well i believe in like faeries, vampires and all the rest of that (not bigfoot though) You could probably become a mermaid by reading spell books from ur library. I want to be a faerie real bad so if you find a book on how to become a mermaid/ mythical creatures. I would be so thrilled if you told me how to become one if  u could look that up. if u find it plz email me at thanx

  8. It won't be much fun after a while. How can a mermaid have s*x?

  9. oh really?? do u have pics??

  10. umm okay well do you have proof of this could have been something else..why witchcraft? you can't actually become a mermaid! as far as i know there is nothing you can do to grow gills!

  11. Are you a nitwit or what? Mermaids don't exist...if you say you've seen them, show me PROOF! In the olden days whenever they saw a manatee from there schooners or ships they thought it was a mermaid. Mermaids are dog faced manatees.

  12. Dont drink or take drugs before diving..........

  13. ooh i want to be a mermaid!!


    tell me when you find out how!

    i want to swim to the bottom of the ocean and play soccer with sebastian!


  14. As far as I know, the only people that bacome mermaids are those who were born of mermaids... They are raised in our world until they reach maturity, then return to the water and transform to their true selves...

    So, unless one of your parents was a mermaid (merperson), without you knowing, you are going to have a hard time "becoming" one. (I believe if that were the case, you would have already found out, deep sea diver, 21 year-old that you are)

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