
How do i become a paranormal investigator and set up a team online?

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i am looking to set up a team online who can all get together and go out on investigation how would i set up a parateam? please help




  1. I think you should work on becoming a paranormal investigator with some knowledge of the paranormal and ways to investigate before you create a team that goes to haunted places looking for thrills with no idea of what any of you are doing.

    I have included some links below so you can locate a group in your area that you could possibly learn from and help with investigations.


  2. I stumbled across an article that seems to hit right at what you're attempting to do. I've only included one link, because the author has linked all of her paranormal articles together. There's bound to be something in there that you can use. Good luck!

  3. They already have teams everywhere. Look it up online. Join a group in your city. Give a name of any city / town in the US and I bet there is already a group of volenteers waiting for others like you to join.

  4. Just start one. You can go to and see if any ghost/paranormal groups exist in your area and if none exist or if you just want to start your own that is a good place to find people in your area that are interested.

    If you have a little money to spare you could create a good website. Contrary to what some will have you believe there is nothing really "Professional" about paranormal investigating. It is a hobby that is all. The only people who earn a living doing this are the people that are good at marketing themselves and good at promoting themselves.  They write books and articles and the money comes through book sales and workshops and talks.

    Paranormal groups usually do not charge to do an investigation, or at lest they should not.  Ghost groups simply go around investigating places and they like to post their results on their websites. Very little money is made and most spend more than they earn doing it that is because it is a hobby.

    It is fun to get with other people interested and discuss these things. There is no special knowledge to it. There is popular theories and if you want to learn these then there are some books out there. I like Trent Brandon's Ghost Hunter's bible. Troy Taylor has a Ghost Hunter's guidebook, I have it but it does not really tell you what you really need to know.

    A good place for free information is to go to and scroll down to their free articles and you can learn enough from reading those articles to learn the theories among paranormal groups.

    Your local bookstore should have several books on the subject. The idiots Guide to ghosts and hauntings is good reading but some people do not like the idiot's guide series simply because of the word idiot.


  5. buy a van called the mystery machine and smoke weed till your dog starts talking and asking for s****. snacks then go and "hunt ghost" which are just old poeple in the park but your too off your face to realise.

  6. There are no special requirements, licenses or certifications required to either be a paranormal investigator or to establish a website.

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