
How do i become a true point guard??

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im 15 and have been playing basketball since i was 7.. i've always been a shooting guard, but im only 5'9''..and since im already 15 im probably gonna be 6'-6'1 tops. i want to make the transition from SG to PG because i want to play D1 College basketball and me being at the height im at..i dont think it'll cut it. so i want to learn how to be a true point guard...

but a problem i've had is i played PG a couple times last yr..and even tho im a good ball handler..i get nervous when im bringing the ball up and the defender comes up 2 me..what can i do to fix this? thx and plz answer both of my Q's..(how to be a true PG, and how to get rid of nervousness when bringing the ball up)




  1. having great court vision.

    distributing the ball.

    shoot very well.

  2. PG is usually the fastest and best ball handler on the team. u should try working on ur passing if u get nervous when u bring the ball up and play pickup games with people a little older than u that u know so you become better at ur level

  3. Pass, pass and pass more. As a PG you need a passing mentality. Dribble and dribble some more, ball handling is a key aspect of being a PG. The PG is like the on court coach, your going to lead the team, make plays and get everyone involved. In order to get rid of the nervousness just practice more, I felt the same when I dribbled too, so I practiced and kept low, so the defender couldn't steal the ball that easily. Get fast and you'll be set. Good Luck!

  4. watch crossover videos and study and practice thm

    tht can shake off a defender if thtdoesnt work practics on pulling up for a shot

    to get rid of nervousness jus image tht the game doesnt count for anything

  5. By passing to Peter Pan

    Think Happy Thoughts!

  6. The number one thing you need to do is to be confident.  I know it sounds generic what i just said but there is no one truer statement that the thing i just told you.

    When they come up to you as you're bringing up the ball, then you need spin away from him, change directions, devert him.  Just show that you're confident and im sure he will back up a lil for you.  Trust me, im sure every young point guard goes through this.  Get through yours.

  7. well you got to be what you are. You are a shooting guard,and you can't just switch to another position,it's instinct. you either get it or you don't. You can't be a "True" point. You can be a Point gaurd by practicing but instinct is something you either have or you don't.

  8. you got to learn how to change directions and show poise or they'll eat you alive

  9. a true point guard sees all his options and always has his head up. to be a true point guard you have to have: an outside shot, be able to drive, and have rediculously good passes. As for the nervousness play ball. go out everyday and play with your friends or at the boys and girls club, etc.

  10. 1. learn the playbook better: PG's are supposed to be the equivalent of the QB of the team.  

    2. I don't think there's a such thing as "true" PG, in terms of a guy who thinks pass 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, like most of the PG's in the WNBA's early years for example, though it has changed dramatically there too recently.  A PG should look for his or her shot in my opinion; if you have the best shot or are the best scorer on the team and you're the PG, obviously you're still gonna score.  PG's need to execute plays efficiently and correctly whether the best scorer is a center, a swingman, or him/herself.

  11. practice on pickup games!

  12. im pg its hard to make the transition if u suck seeing as how u say ur good u should go outside and just practice ur ball handling skills and pretend thats thers a defender on u

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