
How do i become friends with guys?

by  |  earlier

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i'm 14, going into 8th grade, and i want to be friends with guys at my school, but they all seem to hate me as a girlfriend or even just a friend! i barely even talk to most of them. most of the guys at my school are close friends with alot of girls, and i dont know why they dont talk to me, or dont notice me, and i dont know why i have barely any guy friends.

im not annoying or a s**t or w***e...i have a good personality, all my friends think im funny and fun to be around, and alot of my friends consider me one of their best friends.

i want to be friends w/ some guys cause alot of the guys at my school i noticed are just hilarious and everyone has a good time around them. and i want to make more friends this year too, cause i've changed alot & dont really have the same interests w/ my old friends anymore.

what am i doing wrong? why dont i have any guy friends..and why do they seem to not like me?

how can i make more friends & guy friends??




  1. First of all, being friends with a guy (one guy is what I mean) is NOT a good idea.  Guys, basically, are physically attracted to girls more so than a girl would be attracted to a guy based on a physical attraction.  This leads to the guy thinking with his zipper (you know what I mean).  Almost 100% of the I Have a Guy as My Best Friend relationships don't work out - begin looking though the questions you'll find on Yahoo in Friendships and you'll see what I mean.      

       Now - the reason you may be having a problem finding a Guy as a Friend is because you are coming across as too needy and / or too aggressive so, at the moment, suggest you plan to get to know your girlfriends better and think about what I've said in the first part of this reply.

      Next step and next month -> if there are a group of guys who are friends with each other, look for an opportunity to join in a conversation they're having - don't interrupt, if possible but, if you must, be sure it's with a question on something you know is of interest to all of them.  I can tell you, exactly, what I did when I was 14 which got me to be included in a group of 3 guys who were best friends (I became the 4th friend in the group but made sure I didn't try to be one of the guys).  I knew one of them knew a lot about cars so assumed this was an interest they shared.  I walked up to them and said my father had told me I needed to find a friend to explain a car engine to me and, preferably, to show me exactly how the engine worked as, some day, I might be stranded when I begin driving, so I should know how to fix a few things.  They laughed but I said I was serious and knew that Jim was an expert in this area so, would you mind very much if I was your pupil for a few hours some Saturday? To be sure they got the message that I wasn't planning to be with ONE guy, I said I was sure I could learn something from each of them so, a time when they would be together would be great if they didn't mind my being there!  A few weeks later, I was gapping spark-plugs and learning all about football and baseball from them - knowing about all these things made me a popular girl to be with when I began dating as the 3 guys told other guys I was easy to be with because of my interest in, and knowledge of, these Guy Things.  

    In your case, it doesn't have to be this - just something you share as an interest which could be math, history, art exhibits or cooking.  My 3 Guy Friends became my Best Buddies through my h-s years and we all kept in contact once in a while through the years. They are the ones who groomed me into being a good girlfriend by, also, giving me Guy Advice.  

    Remember that it;'s important for people to know you have the ability to be a good friend before anyone will want to be your friend - this is why it's important to have some close girlfriends.  Be patient - it's wiser and safer to wait for a good opportunity than it is to enter a relationship just because your friends have done this.  Don't forget that everyone matures at a different rate of speed.

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